Editorial work and peer review procedure

Editorial Work and Peer Review Procedure

Properly prepared articles in accordance with the requirements of the journal are checked by the program for plagiarism. Should the similarity coefficient meet the requirements of the journal for plagiarism, they are then sent to two reviewers without specifying the names of the authors. Reviewing is carried out through the practice of double closed ("blind") reviewing. The manuscript of the article, which does not contain information about the authors and the data of the author(s), is sent to the reviewer via an electronic platform.

The reviewer evaluates the submitted work based on the criteria of relevance of the topic, quality of work, scientific novelty, structure, degree of elaboration of the problem and reliability of the presented facts and materials.

If one of the reviewers finds it necessary to make amendments and additions to the article, the author must revise the article within seven days.

 Materials with changes and corrections to the text of the article expressed by the reviewer are sent to the reviewer for a second review.

Articles that have received positive reviews from two experts and a scientific editor are recommended for publication in the journal «Bulletin of the International University of Tourism And Hospitality» in the order of their acceptance for publication. If one of the reviewers gave a positive and the other a negative conclusion, the scientific editor sends it to the third reviewer, who is an expert on the topic of the manuscript, or a member of the editorial board. If the third reviewer or a member of the editorial board gives a positive review, the final decision on the acceptance / refusal to accept the article for publication is made by the scientific editor of the journal «Bulletin» of International University of Tourism and Hospitality.

 If both reviews are negative, the article is removed from publication in the journal.