Ethical principles

Ethical Principles Of Publication

The Editorial Board of the journal works in accordance with the international standards of ethics of scientific publications and the Ethical Code of scientific publications COPE, developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Authors who submit their work to the Journal are obliged to comply with the following ethical principles.

Co-authorship: the authors of the article should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the proposed work. Before the article is submitted to the editorial office, the authors are clarified . It is not allowed to indicate as an author those who did not contribute to the study, but it is allowed to indicate the names of those who contributed to the article.

Gratitude: authors are required to indicate the organizations, financial resources, and organizations that supported their research.

Plagiarism: the proposed work should belong entirely to its authors. It is necessary to paraphrase the text while preserving the meaning of the original data in order to use the work of other researchers in the article. The works used are included in the list of sources and literature. The authors' article is checked by the anti-plagiarism program. If the similarity coefficient of the article is 25% or higher, then the articles are rejected.

Other ethical considerations: Ethical discipline must be strictly followed for works that require data collection such as survey methods, interviews, observation from participants to research. It is necessary to provide an appropriate document on obtaining permission to use questionnaires, interviews and photographs that belong to other persons.

Reprint of the article: articles previously published in other journals are not accepted for publication. Such articles may be accepted on the basis of a written reminder from the author to the editor if the article is presented at the conference and published in the collection.

Submission and storage of data: authors are required to provide data from their research at the request of the editor and reviewers, as well as to store that data after the publication of their articles.

Detection of errors in published articles: When an author discovers a serious error or inaccuracy in a published article, he or she must immediately notify the journal editor and work with the editor to retract or correct the article.


One author can publish an article no more than twice a year. This is a measure aimed at ensuring the diversity of authors and topics of publications, as well as at supporting fair and equal opportunities for all participants in our scientific community.