Requirements for manuscript formatting

Requirements for the design of articles 

  • Article size - 12-14 pages in A4 format, font 12-Times New Roman, width alignment, spacing– one, borders– simple (paragraph – 1 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm, top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm).
  • Graphs, figures, diagrams, tables found in the text of the article must be numbered and named (for example: Table 1-the name of the table).
  • The article must have UDC (Universal Decimal Classification), an abstract, keywords, main part, list of references and
  • The structure of articles should be as follows: introduction, research methodology, sections and subsections, conclusions (results), which reveal the content of the main part.

         Rules for writing an article

  • In the first line – the SCSTI code:, alignment-on the left edge.
  • In the next line-the code of the UDC:, alignment-on the left edge.
  • Author(s) of the article – first and patronymic and surname (indicate the name of the main author with *and * e-mail*), academic degree, title, position, e-mail, place of work (affiliation), city, country, in Kazakh, Russian and English, alignment – in the middle.
  • The topic (title) of the article should reflect the essence and content of the work and attract the reader's attention. It is necessary to be short, informative and not contain jargon or abbreviations. The title of the article is given in capital letters in the middle. The topic is written in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. The title in languages other than the title in the language of the article is written in bold and lowercase letters, alignment – in the middle.
  • Under the title of the article, the Introductory and Key words are written in the written language of the manuscript at the same font size (12 pins).
  • Below An Introduction is written at intervals
  • The main body of the article should be structured. There should be an interval between the sections, and each section should have a title.
  • Summary (Results) will be given after the main part
  • after that List of references and Transliteration will be provided at intervals.

The list of references should be prepared according to GOST 7.1 – 2003 ( (Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of acquisition are compiled in accordance with GOST 7.1 – 2003).

  • Transliteration is carried out through the site
  • After transliteration, Resume and Key words are given with a space, in Kazakh and English if the article is written in Russian, in Russian and English if the article is written in Kazakh.